June 2021 - Newsletter to Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians:
The school will be closed on the 7th June for the Bank Holiday.
The school will close for the summer break on Thursday 24th June ’21 at 12 noon.
We will host an Ice Lolly Day for pupils only on 18th June ’21 in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. This will replace our usual Ice Cream Day. Pupils should bring in €2 for an Ice Lolly.
The senior classes will go to the Achill Outdoor Adventure Camp on their school tour on the 21st June ‘21. (more information to follow).
We wish our present sixth class – Dominika, Grace and Cian all the very best as they head off on a new adventure to their Post-Primary schools.
We will be submitting the Tracksuit order to Keith in Green Stores soon. Those who wish to contact Keith themselves can do so at (Keith-087 9596178) or 094 9362899, to make an appointment
As we come to the end of another strange year, we would like to thank you all for your support and patience during this school year. We look forward to better times ahead and to seeing you all in September. From everyone here, we hope you have a lovely summer break.
Yours sincerely.
(Fionnuala Costello)